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Macronutrients: How to fuel your human fire

By Sarah Hansen 8 November 2021 845 Views No comments

Eating the right foods to get the most out of what you eat

Nutrition can become really complicated & overwhelming...but I'm here to bust that myth! Let's start this journey by looking at Macro-nutrients, macro what?!?

Let's break it down REALLY simply...Your mind & body needs fuel to keep it firing & this “fuel” comes from your food. Food can be categorized into 3 groups of macro-nutrients Carbohydrates, Fats & proteins, Macro meaning large, so these are the nutrients we need the larger amounts of. You also have micro-nutrients & we will cover these amazing little specimens another time.

Let's start with Carbohydrates (Carbs)


THEY ARE NOT ALL BAD PEOPLE!! But just like fats & proteins they are not all created equal. There are two main types of carbs: Complex & simple & your magical body converts them into glucose (sugar) for fuel.

Think of it like this...Your body is a campfire & you can fuel it using
kindling aka: Simple carbs
Small logs aka: Complex carbs
Big logs aka: fats.
Protein is predominantly for repair & rebuilding of muscle & connective tissue & secondarily a fuel source.

ALL macronutrients have a role to play in your life depending on the situation. Let's look at a few scenarios...

If you need fast fuel straight away (Kindling/high GI/simple carbs) like during an endurance sporting event or half time at a footy game, then simple carbs are perfect. Where can you find them? fruit, sugars, cereal, bread, lollies, rice cakes, honey. This list has two categories: natural & processed sugars. It's always best to opt for natural sugars where possible as these are also combined with other beneficial nutrients. Generally processed foods have lots of refined, nutrient void sugar, artificial sweeteners/flavours & little to no fiber. They will give you a quick & easily accessible fuel source but will burn up quickly leaving you hungry soon after.

As you can see although high GI foods are given a bad wrap, they too have a place in the diet in the right scenarios. Sitting on the couch mindlessly eating a bag of chips does not count as one of them sorry (Although life is all about balance)

If it's a slower release/low GI fuel (Small logs) you need, then reach for your complex carbs. These guys have loads of nutrients & fiber!! Where to find them; Rolled oats, quinoa, whole grains, sweet potato, lentils, beans. Complex carbs will keep you fuller for longer, provide you with more nutrients & move a little slower through your digestive system due to the fibre content. This is also a more favourable choice for your gut health. Your resident gut bugs that keep you healthy love fibre!


Is your ultimate slow burner, (Big logs) the ones you can throw on your human campfire & let slowly simmer away for hours. Fats have been given a bad wrap over the years but they play a vital role within our body & just like carbs, not all fats are created equal.

I like to give a simple guide to figuring out which fats are “good” & which you should opt for over others. Stick to options that are closest to their natural form as possible. Avocado, cold pressed oils, nuts, seeds, coconut products, quality grass fed/organic meats, fish & quality non-pasteurized dairy...rather than; fried foods, vegetable oils, processed chips, brought baked items, crackers, chicken nuggets, processed meats, you get my drift.

Quality fat

Will actually speed up your metabolism/increase weight loss, balance blood sugar levels, balance hormones, improve thyroid function, improve brain function curb cravings...the list of benefits goes on. “Bad” fat on the other hand is hugely detrimental to our health & actually interrupts the absorption of nutrients & causes inflammation. I recommend including quality fats in your diet from a variety of plant & animal sources.


Contrary to belief, is not just for bodybuilders & found in more places than just meat! EVERYONE needs protein, it's the building block of our entire body! Your body cannot store protein, so eating little & often throughout the day is perfect. Even broccoli has protein! Good quality collagen & plant based powders are great to top up your intake but aim to gain as much from whole food sources as possible. Add organic bone broth, Legumes, beans, vegetables, tempeh, organic tofu, buckwheat, quinoa, eggs, nutritional yeast & small amounts of quality, ethically sourced meat, organ meat, shellfish & fish to your diet.

You’ll start to notice a pattern here...Processed/packaged foods tend to be home to all the fats & sugars from refined vegetable oils & nutritionally void sugars that are harmful to our bodies. So avoiding that greasy Whopper or Krispy Kreme donut is a good idea.

In summary

If you aim to include moderate amounts of quality fat & protein & a lower amount of quality carbohydrates in your daily diet your body will run more efficiently. If you can achieve this with a wholefood, mostly plant based, seasonal, organic where possible variety of foods you're onto a winner!

Diversity is the key to good health inside & out.

So seek out local, seasonal, colourful produce & get adventurous. Be willing to try something new...you never know it might just become your new favorite.

Posted in: HealthSuperfoodsDietsGut Health

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